I remember "assisting" my Nan when she was baking those delicious custard cupcakes. There was probably more disturbance than help on my side, and unfortunately I was a bit too small back then to learn how to make them properly.
Now, by cupcakes I mean something sightly different to the iced sponges you see everywhere - the Polish cupcake is more of a sweet pastry case with a gooey filling - all generously dusted with enough icing sugar to give my husband a coughing fit.
These days,
this type of cakes is available pretty much in any cake shop, but
there's nothing like home-made ones! Maybe it's just me, but that
seems to be the case with all cakes - you can buy them to save
yourself the hassle of preparation, but the bought ones are never
quite as good. Plus, there's a part of my that will make me try to
make it 'just the way it should be' :) This time though, as it
sometimes happens, not everything went according to the plan. The
recipe is really easy and straight forward, yet there are a couple of
things to remember, otherwise you'll end up with a disaster like
I started my
preparations with a trip to the supermarket to buy the special baking
trays for my cupcakes, as they're meant to be prepared in special
ones, to give them their special shape. And bummer - they
didn't have them! Not a single one! As it was well cold outside and I
really couldn't face a trip to another shop (which might or might not
have had the trays) I decided that I would make my own version of the
cupcakes and a muffin tray would have to suffice. There's a recipe and
a few tips on how to avoid an oven catastrophe that I caused, by not
following the recipe to the letter. Take my word for that - an oven
covered in baked custard is not exactly a lot of fun! :)
300 g plain flour
150 g butter
2 egg yolks
2 tablespoons of thick
Combine all the
ingredients in a mixing bowl, knead until the dough is smooth and
soft. Roll the pastry with a rolling pin until it's about 3
millimetres thick (and it does mean 3 mil. - if it's too thin it might
break during baking and the custard will pour out - I know something
about it :) Use a cup to cut out circular bits to fill in the trays
with (careful not to make any holes in them!) each cupcake will also
need another circle as a lid.
For the custard you
0.5 litre of milk
3 tablespoons of plain
3 tablespoons of
1 cup of sugar (coffee
From the 0.5 litre of
milk take a cup and mix flour and corn flour with it. Pour the rest
of milk into a pan, stir in sugar and vanilla and bring to boil. When
it's boiling stir in the mix of milk and flour (keep stirring or
whisking vigorously so as it doesn't curdle). Simmer for a few
minutes until the custard thickens.
When both the pastry
and custard are ready, fill the trays with pastry and put custard in
each cupcake, then close each cake with a lid. Make sure the top is
fixed well and won't come off during baking (I didn't and had all my
tray and oven covered with custard! Duh!). Bake the cupcakes for
about 20 minutes in 190 ºC,
and when they are ready (and cool down a bit) take them off the
trays, turn them upside-down and sprinkle icing sugar over them.
picture shows a few of the cupcakes that I managed to salvage from my
'oven crisis'. :) Luckily, the taste was spot on!
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